Make sure that you have nginx-extras installed, and not nginx. Extras includes the PAM module.
sudo apt-get install nginx-extrasThe following is taken from this readme.
To protect everything under /secure you will add the following to the nginx.conf file: This is secure enough for many purposes.
location /secure {Note that the module runs as the web server user, so the PAM modules used must be able to authenticate the users without being root; that means that if you want to use the module to authenticate users you need to let the web server user to read the /etc/shadow file if that does not scare you (on Debian like systems you can add the www-data user to the shadow group).
auth_pam "Secure Zone";
auth_pam_service_name "nginx";
As an example, to authenticate users against an LDAP server (using the module) you will use an /etc/pam.d/nginx like the following:
auth required pam_ldap.soIf you also want to limit the users from LDAP that can authenticate you can use the module; to limit who can access resources under /restricted add the following to the nginx.conf file:
account required
location /restricted {Use the following /etc/pam.d/nginx_restricted file:
auth_pam "Restricted Zone";
auth_pam_service_name "nginx_restricted";
auth required onerr=fail item=user \And add the users allowed to authenticate to the /etc/nginx/restricted_users (remember that the web server user has to be able to read this file).
sense=allow file=/etc/nginx/restricted_users
auth required
account required
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